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What Climate Zone Is Washington State

The Pacific Northwest is a unique and diverse region of the United States, and Washington State is a prime example. With its varied geography, Washington offers a range of climates, from temperate rain forests in the west to desert-like conditions in the east. To understand the climate of Washington State, it’s important to know its climate zones.

Geography of Washington State

Washington State is located in the Pacific Northwest region of the United States, bordered by Oregon to the south, Idaho to the east, and Canada to the north. The Cascade Mountain Range runs down the middle of the state, and the Olympic Mountains are located in the far northwest corner. The terrain of the state is generally flat in the east, gradually rising to the west, and mountainous in the northwest.

Climate Zones of Washington State

Washington State is divided into six primary climate zones. The climate of each zone is determined by the elevation, topography, and geographic features of the region.

  • The Marine West Coast Climate Zone is the most common climate zone in the state. This climate zone is located along the coast and is characterized by cool, wet winters with moderate temperatures and dry, warm summers.
  • The Mediterranean Climate Zone is located in the southern part of the state and is characterized by hot, dry summers and mild, wet winters.
  • The dry-summer Subtropical Climate Zone is located in the far southeastern part of the state and is characterized by hot, dry summers and cool, wet winters.
  • The Continental Climate Zone is located in the northern part of the state and is characterized by cold winters and warm summers.
  • The Humid Subtropical Climate Zone is located in the eastern part of the state and is characterized by hot, humid summers and mild, wet winters.
  • The Alpine Climate Zone is located in the mountainous areas of the state and is characterized by cold winters and cool summers.


Washington State is a unique and diverse region with a range of climates due to its varied geography. The state is divided into six primary climate zones, each with its own distinct characteristics. From the Marine West Coast Climate Zone in the west to the Alpine Climate Zone in the east, Washington State offers something for everyone.