disability sign
Photo by Jakub Pabis on Unsplash

How to Apply for Temporary Disability in Washington State

It is not uncommon for individuals in Washington State to require temporary disability benefits due to injury or illness. Applying for benefits can be a complicated process, but understanding the rules and regulations surrounding the process can help the individual navigate the system with ease. This article will provide an overview of how to apply for temporary disability benefits in Washington State.

Understanding Washington State Disability Benefits

In order to apply for temporary disability benefits in Washington State, it is important to first understand the rules and regulations surrounding these benefits. Washington State provides temporary disability benefits to individuals who are unable to work due to injury or illness. Benefits are available for up to 26 weeks and are limited to individuals who are actively seeking work. In order to qualify for these benefits, the individual must be able to prove that they are unable to work due to their medical condition.

Gathering Required Documentation

Before applying for temporary disability benefits, it is important to gather all of the necessary documentation. This includes a copy of the individual’s medical records, a statement from the treating physician, and proof of income. Additionally, the individual must submit a completed application for the benefits. This application must include the individual’s contact information, Social Security number, and any other relevant information. It is important to note that applications must be filed within the required time frame in order to be eligible for benefits.

Submitting an Application

Once the individual has gathered all of the necessary documentation, they can submit their application to the Washington State Department of Social and Health Services. The department will review the application and determine whether the individual is eligible for benefits. If the application is approved, the individual will receive a notice with the details about their benefits, including the amount they will receive each month, when their benefits will begin, and when they will end.

Appealing a Denied Claim

Unfortunately, it is not uncommon for individuals to have their applications for temporary disability benefits denied. If this happens, the individual has the right to appeal the decision. This process involves submitting a written request for reconsideration to the department. The request must include a detailed explanation of why the individual believes their claim should be approved. The department will then review the request and issue a final decision.


Applying for temporary disability benefits in Washington State can be a complicated process, but understanding the rules and regulations surrounding the process can help the individual navigate the system with ease. Gathering the necessary documentation, completing the application, and submitting it to the department are all important steps in the process. If the application is denied, the individual also has the right to appeal the decision. With patience and determination, individuals in Washington State can successfully apply for temporary disability benefits.